Our knowledge
Our website is a complete catalogue of advanced materials. Choosing the right material for your application can be complex, so we encourage you to consult with us to benefit from our expertise.
Our modelling tools and our experience and knowledge of these advanced materials allow us to analyse your specific needs and build the solution to that problem.
Our various integrated workshops allow us to offer complete solutions to various problems: rigid, flexible insulations that are manufactured, machined and moulded. Our ongoing endeavour is to meet the many and varying criteria regarding hygiene, safety and traceability, hence our use of ISO 9001 approval. We supply all our technical parts with the standardised accompanying documentation.
Our implementation capabilities
We have a long-term and solid experience that allows us to design, create, manufacture, adhere, mould and machine prototypes or entire series as soon as possible. We can also design your parts or produce design sketches (Pro-Engineer). Our facilities are equipped with all the necessary tools: a mechanical workshop, a specialist textiles workshop and all the equipment required for the use of high-temperature resins and adhesives such as furnaces, sterilisers and vacuum chambers.
Our design office has the necessary tools to analyse and model the thermal behaviour of your facilities or processes. This enables us to advise you on the best solution.
Do not hesitate to send us your designs so we can return a detailed quote as soon as possible.
Adhering, moulding and coating from -200°C to 3000°C
We offer assistance in selecting and implementing mineral or organic resins essential to your process, depending on the nature of the materials and the mechanical, chemical and thermal constraints.
- Protection
- Sealing of thermocouples
- Resistance
- Sensors
- Heating elements
Implementation of ceramics, graphites and technical composites
We can help you choose composites, graphites and ceramics and with the development of solutions suited to your purposes: injection, moulding or machining according to your designs and your technology.
- Ducts
- Insulation plates
- Bearings
- Membranes
- Filters
Manufacture of high-temperature technical-use textiles
We manufacture a wide range of high-temperature textiles suitable for almost all insulation or thermal protection applications.
- Fire barrier
- Protection against molten metal splashing/spraying
- Expansion joints
- Curtains
- Mattresses