Sio2 ceramic adhesive

High temperature silica based adhesive.

Cotronics® Resbond® high temperature adhesive are based on high purity ceramic binders and selected reinforcing fillers.

These adhesives have excellent adhesion to ceramics, metals, glass and plastics. They offer excellent high temperature stability, dielectric strength, mechanical properties and thermal shock resistance.

Silicon dioxide Cement SiO2

Resbond® 905

Resbond® 905 Quartz (fused silica) Adhesive was specially formulated for bonding low expansion and thermal shock resistant ceramics. The thermal expansion of Resbond® 905 closely matches the extremely low expansion of Quartz, Fused Silica, Cordierite and Lithium-Alumina Ceramics. These shock resistant ceramics can now be successfully bonded and used to 1371°C. Replaces standard ceramic adhesives that may crack and weaken on thermal cycling.

Resbond® 940LE

Resbond® 940LE is a low expansion, Quartz based, fast curing adhesive. The perfect adhesive for bonding and potting Quartz Lamps, Glassware, Fibre Cables or any other low expansion materials. 940LE bonded high performance, halogen light bulbs in a high speed, high precision production line.

Resbond® 940HE

Resbond® 940HE is a silica filled adhesive for bonding and encapsulating high expansion materials.

Thermeez® 7030

Thermeez® 7030 High Expansion Adhesive Bonds and Protects to 950°C. Asbestos free and safe to use. No objectionable odours or harmful fibres. Just mix to a smooth, creamy paste and apply. Thermeez® will cure in 24 hours at room temperature or in 1 hour at 120°C. Can be applied to most metals, ceramics, door gaskets, tadpole gaskets and ceramic cloths and has excellent adhesion to steel, stainless, aluminium, lead and ceramics. Thermeez® 7030 is fireproof and has resistance to most acids, alkalise, solvents, corrosives and electricity. Thermeez® Hi-Seal will form corrosion and erosion resistant coatings. Just apply and post cure at 315°C.

Can be applied from a standard caulking cartridge for applications in exhaust systems, diesel engines, gas turbines, heating plants, etc. It is the ideal choice for any hi-temp. application requiring 980°C service, pressure tight and fire proof seals, wear resistance and high expansion. Commonly used in high temperature exhaust systems, diesel engines, gas turbines, heating plants, etc.

Technical data

SiO2 Cement Adhesive





Peak Temperature











Compressive Strength

N/mm² (20°C)





Flexural Strength

N/mm² (20°C)





Thermal Conductivity

W/m °C





Thermal Expansion

x 10-6 °C





Dielectric Strength












Mix Ratio

Powder - Binder

100 - 60

100 - 45

 100 - 33

100 - 20

Cure Temp.

Hrs @

Room Temp.




24 - 36h

Cure Temp.


2h @ 120°C

5-15 min @ 93°C

5-15 min @ 93°C

4h @65°C

Cotronics® - SiO2 Adhesive (180.15k)

Data Sheet: Cotronics® - SiO2 Adhesive

Cotronics® - SiO2 Adhesives (216.47k)

Technical data sheet: SiO2 Cement Adhesive by Cotronics®.

Cotronics® - Ceramic Adhesives (639.79k)

Technical data sheet: full range of Cotronics® Ceramic Adhesives

Image générique

Resbond® 905 silica adhesive

Cotronics Resbond ® 905 adhesive is a silica based bonding ceramic cement . It is used to make high temperature bonding, up to 1370°C. Resbond ® 905 can be fluidified with the 905T specific binder , never with water. Do not add more than 5% of binder to the cement. This product is available in 0.47, 0.94 and 3.7 litres. For larger packages, please contact us. We also offer other high temperature silica adhesives .
Full description
Image générique

Resbond® 905T silica binder

Cotronics Resbond ® 905T silica based binder is used to fluidify cement. It is used to fluidify the Resbond ® 905 ceramic cement . Do not add more than 5% of binder to the cement. This product is available in 0.47 litres. For larger packages, please contact us. We also offer other high temperature silica adhesives .
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Resbond® 940HE silica adhesive

Cotronics Resbond ® 940HE adhesive is a silica based bonding ceramic cement . It is used to make high temperature bonding, up to 980°C. This product is available in 0.47, 0.94 and 3.7 litres. For larger packages, please contact us. We also offer other high temperature silica adhesives .
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Resbond® 940LE silica adhesive

Cotronics Resbond ® 940LE adhesive is a silica based bonding ceramic cement . It is used to make high temperature bonding, up to 1370°C. This product is available in 0.47, 0.94 and 3.7 litres. For larger packages, please contact us. We also offer other high temperature silica adhesives .
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Resbond® 7030 silica adhesive

Cotronics Resbond ® 7030 adhesive is a silica based bonding ceramic cement . It is used to make high temperature bonding, up to 950°C. This product is available in 0.94, 3.7 and 18.5 litres, for bigger packaging please contact us.
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Resbond® 918 silica adhesive

Cotronics Resbond ® 918 adhesive is a silica based ceramic bonding cement . It is used for high temperature bonding up to 1370°C. Resbond ® 918 can be thinned with the specific binder 918T-1, never with water. It is recommended not to add more than 5% binder to the ceramic cement. This adhesive is available in 0.94 and 3.7 litres jar. For larger sizes, please contact us. We also offer other high temperature silica adhesives .
Full description
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Resbond® 918T silica binder

Cotronics Resbond ® 918T-1 silica based binder is used to thin Resbond ® 918 . It is recommended not to add more than 5% binder to the ceramic cement . It is available in 0.94 litres containers. For bigger sizes, please contact us. We also propose other high temperature silica adhesives . 
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