High Temperature Sleeves

Overview: High Temperature Sleeves
Final Advanced Materials offers high temperature sleeves resistant up to 1,700 °C. Different materials are available, depending on the applications. These products are mainly used as insulation in many industries.
Applications of Sleeves
- Thermal insulation of cable
- Insulation of pipes and exhausts
- Electrical insulation
- High temperature protection
- Splash cover
Comparative Table
Property |
Unit |
Aramid | E-Glass | Zetex® | Basalt | Silicate | Biosoluble | Ceramic |
Max. Operating Temperature |
°C |
350 |
550 |
540 |
600 |
1,000 |
6501 1,0502 |
1,100 |
Peak Temperature |
°C |
400 |
700 |
700 |
700 |
1,200 |
1,200 |
1,700 |
1reinforced with glass 2reinforced with Inconel®
Our Range of Sleeves
Aramid Fibre Sleeves, up to 400 °C
Our 100 % para-aramid fiber sleeves are made from continuous filaments that give them excellent mechanical properties. They maintain their characteristics in operating temperature up to 350 °C and can withstand a peak of 400 °C. Mainly used in the glass industry, they also have good resistance to chemicals and to abrasion.
- Thermal insulation
- Thermal insulation of cables
Zetex® Fibre Sleeves, up to 700 °C
Zetex® fibreglass sleeves from Newtex are flexible and ideal insulation for wiring, electrical cables, and pipes. Available in the standard knitted version or coated with vermiculite, sleeves can withstand temperatures of up to 700 °C. The sleeves are available in different versions, diameters, and thicknesses. The ZetexPlus® option withstand peak temperature of 1,095 °C.
- Thermal insulation
- Insulation of pipes and exhausts
- Insulation of electrical cables and hydraulics
E-Glass Fibre Sleeves, up to 700 °C
E-glass fibre sleeves are highly flexible, thereby facilitating the insertion of cables or pipes to be insulated. These Sleeves are used for the thermal protection and electrical insulation of cables and pipes. Other versions with silicon coating, powder-coating or stainless-steel protection sheath allow to improve their mechanical and dielectric properties. E-glass fibre sleeve are available in a diameter of 12 and 60 mm.
- Insulation of industrial ovens
- Insulation gasket
Basalt Fibres Sleeves, up to 700 °C
Made from basalt fibres of 8 to 16 μm, the felts are classified M0 according to European standard EN 13-501-1. They do not burn, do not melt, produce neither smoke nor toxic gases, and are environmentally friendly and recyclable. Their temperature resistance covers from – 280 °C to 700 °C. They have thermal and mechanical properties superior to those of E-glass fibres and can be used in the manufacture of composites. They are also used in the insulation of electrical cables and as thermal protection for pipes and exhausts.
- High temperature protection
- Insulation of cable and pipes
- Insulation of exhausts
- Electrical insulation
Silicate Fibre Sleeves, up to 1,200 °C
Silicate fibre sleeves are asbestos-free and inorganic. They contain no toxic substances or irritants excellent thermal insulators. Their good thermal and mechanical properties make them excellent alternatives to ceramic fibre-based products. With a diameter of 9 μm, the fibres present no health risk. Silicate fibre products are inorganic, and contain no toxic substances (asbestos-free) or irritants. The good thermal and mechanical properties of these products make them excellent replacements for asbestos-based products. With a diameter ranging from 6 to 9 μm, these fibres pose no hazard to health. In comparative terms, silicate fibre-based textiles have superior high-temperature resistance to biosoluble fibre textiles.
S98 products are comprised of over 98 % silica. They are suitable for high-temperature applications up to 1,200 °C.
S94 products contain over 94 % SiO2, and function as excellent thermal insulators at temperatures up to 1,100 °C.
- Insulation of cables
- Insulation of pipes and exhausts
- Thermal insulation
- Heat protection
- Alternative to asbestos and ceramic fibres
Biosoluble Fibre Sleeves, up to 1,200 °C
Biosoluble fibres are guaranteed asbestos and ceramic fibre-free. Their chemical composition has been adapted to eliminate the health risks associated with exposure to ceramic fibres or rock fibres for insulation. These fibres dissolve in bodily fluids such as those found in the pulmonary alveoli. They are less biopersistent, meaning they are eliminated more quickly by the body while maintaining their excellent thermal insulation and fire protection qualities.
Our biosoluble fibre products are reinforced with glass (650 °C) or refractory steel (1,050 °C). Sleeves are available in diameters from 15 to 60 mm and are available in 25 m long roll.
- Insulation of pipes and exhausts
- Insulation of boilers
- Insulation of electrical cables
Ceramic Fibre Sleeves, up to 1,700 °C
Ceramic sleeves type 080-0500 can withstand operating temperatures up to 1,370 °C. Ceramic products are primarily designed for thermal, electrical and mechanical applications subjected to extreme conditions. Composed mainly of Al2O3 at different percentages, the 080-0600 strips withstand operating temperatures up to 1,370 °C. This continuous fibre demonstrates a mechanical and thermal performance that fibrous materials do not achieve, such as aramid, silica, quartz or glass. They are particularly suitable for the insulation and protection of cables, tubes, pipes and thermocouples.
- Thermal and electrical insulation
- Protection of cables and pipes
- Reinforcment of manufactured products
- Thermocouple insulation
- Heat shield
- Insulation joints
Physical variables included in this documentation are provided by way of indication only and do not, under any circumstances, constitute a contractual undertaking. Please contact our technical service if you require any additional information.
High Temperature Aramid Sleeves 400°C

High Temperature Basalt Sleeves 815°C
High Temperature Biosoluble Sleeves 1200°C

High Temperature Ceramic Sleeves 1700°C